The Personal Quest for Growth

Guest written by Sharon Wagner

Every person loves to feel like they are growing as they go through their lives, and there are many different ways that people go about achieving personal growth, such as meditation, therapy, taking classes, or reading self-help books.

Penta West Marketing explains that personal growth can also involve changing your career or education goals by either making a job change or enrolling in a higher education institution to achieve another degree.

Growing Through Education

Many people look at personal growth as an ongoing process of changing oneself by seeking out new opportunities and experiences in order to become the best version of themselves. Education as a means of growth is inherent in all of us, we learn, we grow, and the cycle never ends. Formal education in pursuit of a new career in business, technology, education, or any number of growing fields will add a sense of financial security as well.

Even education for the simple gratification of growing intellectually is something we’re never too old to do. Nor are we too busy thanks to the opportunities for earning a degree online. For example, when you check it out for more info, you’ll find that an online master’s in information technology can lead to an advanced knowledge of specialities like cybersecurity, data analytics, and IT management. This can all lead to important certifications, which are necessary in the field of IT.

Education can also mean learning a new language, learning to play a musical instrument, or even mastering a skill, an avocation, or a hobby like crafting or golf.

Growing Through Better Lifestyle Habits

A change in eating habits can make a significant difference in how we feel, our mood, and our overall sense of wellbeing. Foods rich in protein, according to The Cleveland Clinic, have been linked to higher levels of dopamine and norepinephrine, which are brain chemicals that play a role in our mood, motivation, and concentration. Other foods can give us an immediate energy boost but can leave us feeling sluggish, tired, and in a lower mood later.

Exercise has the same positive benefit of increasing levels of dopamine elevating your mood while giving you an overall heightened sense of well-being and allowing for a better night’s sleep. notes that mindfulness meditation has a centuries-old history of allowing us to feel calmer, more at peace, decrease any pain, less stress, improve memory, and reduce feelings of depression.

Clutter in your home, and in your environment, can cause anxiety, depression, and stress. Clearing clutter from your living space and giving your home a top-to-bottom cleaning can make your home a more peaceful and calming place to live. Adding plants and opening your home up to more sunlight also improves the energy of your home.

Growth Through Starting Your Own Business

Owning your own business is a life-long dream for many, or a reason for personal growth for others. Being able to create your own manner of work allows you the freedom to grow based on your own hard work, creativity, and ingenuity. Finding something you love and growing it into a business that supports yourself, your family, and others can be immensely satisfying.

Beginning your own business involves knowing how to start, and most professionals agree that a business plan is the most logical and beneficial first step. A business plan template that you can find online can guide you on how to write one and what should be included. Those items will be things like a business strategy, how you’ll finance your new business, what kind of marketing you’ll do, and goals for the near and distant future.

One important step is how you’ll structure your business such as sole-proprietorship or an LLC. Many entrepreneurs choose to form their business as an LLC since it’s easy to do yourself. It doesn’t require that you hire an attorney and it protects your personal assets and reduces your tax burden. You can find a formation service online to assist you with the paperwork and filing requirements. First, read up on how to start an LLC in your state, and go from there.

Growth Through Starting Fresh

Sometimes what we need to foster our growth is a change of scenery. A fresh start in a new apartment can bring with it new perspectives and new challenges. If you’re interested in moving, an online search tool can make the process of finding an ideal landing spot easy. Search features make it simple to find a place that meets your needs.

Personal growth is not a matter of getting something new. Instead, it is a matter of seeing with new eyes what you can see so well with your old ones. Remember to consider growing through education, better and healthier habits, perhaps starting your own business, and exploring a fresh start.

Penta West Marketing understands what big and small agencies do … and can do it better, for cheaper with less bureaucracy and a more hands-on, client-focused approach. Contact us today for more info!


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